30 April 2021

Published April 28, 2021 by rochellewisoff

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PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

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Genre: Historical Fiction

Word Count: 100


“I’m so glad the waters are finally receding.” Myrtle smoothed her blonde hair with one hand while sipping her lemonade. “It’s been an awful year, hasn’t it?”

Geraldine crunched an ice chip, savoring the cold on her tongue. “Dreadful. Just dreadful.”

“Daddy says he’s not sure how we will ever recover our losses.” Tears trickled from Myrtle’s blue eyes. “Momma’s carpets were washed away, Grandma’s china shattered and my best frocks are simply ruined.”

“Bless your heart. Why, I hear tell all our farmhands went north. Can you believe those selfish darkies deserted us in our hour of need?”




We don’t always like the characters we write, do we? I hope my story made you angry. 

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86 comments on “30 April 2021

    • Dear James,

      Some were left to fend for themselves and some weren’t. Somehow, I don’t feel that Myrtle and Geraldine were among those left to fend, although they thought they were.
      As for inLinkz, I can’t say. Hope you can get the issue resolved.



      Liked by 1 person

  • Angry indeed, and as Neil says, it seems so absurd it makes you laugh, but sadly it happened. I can see a relation between this and the pandemic and the way the poor, and poorer nations like India, are struggling and other countries seem slow to come to their aid. Perhaps we haven’t come as far as we think in our attitudes.

    Liked by 1 person

  • What a historical perspective this story puts on racism. The poor darlings lost their best dresses. And, by the way HER darkies abandoned her. I realize it may not seem like it but stories like this remind us that we really have come a long ways. On another note the destructive power of Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me. Can you imagine the Missouri & Mississippi River being 80 miles wide during this flood. Imagine the logistics of everyday life then. Food, water, power, everyday necessities being separated with such distances 96 years ago. Hard times….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jan,

      I think we have come a long way…at least in some places and ways. In 1927, African Americans didn’t receive the government aid the whites did. And I think the south had a bit of a problem with the abolition of slavery. In many ways it still existed.
      Nope I can’t imagine a flood of that magnitude. History…let’s not forget it.
      Thanks, m’luv.

      Liked by 1 person

  • Nope, we can’t like every character we write, these two are not very likable. Well, I’m sure they are sweet “to their own”, but… Nice details, like sipping lemonade, iced lemonade at that. Yeah, their hour of need, indeed….

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    I can see hateful conversations like this in different contexts happening today throughout the world, whatever the culture, whatever the history. That’s the genius of your story. The South has changed, and people who continue to paint Southerners as somehow more evil than the rest of us are unfairly maligning them and deceiving ourselves.


    Liked by 2 people

  • A cleverly illustrated point, Rochelle, and yes, I felt angry with your characters, reading the story. Sad to say, it’s an attitude that still exists between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’, even from the same race. And racial prejudice came rushing to the surface in our recent Brexit debacle over here. We’ve learned a lot, but we still have a way to go. A great story.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    This was very effective because it reflected the absurd attitudes of those times. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Racial prejudice, unfortunately isn’t a thing of the past. I was appalled and outraged when I read about a black man who was shot by a white police when he refused to be forced at gunpoint to unload a relief boat.

    Thanks for sharing the link and for reminding us that we still have a long ways to go.


    Liked by 1 person

  • Querida Rochelle,
    How can one read this and not turn red from intense anger?
    So true … and to the point. I have a friend who was raised by a Mami
    and still doesn’t think it was wrong. We’ve had many conversations ( maybe, arguments).
    Since she 95 I tolerate her opinions because when she gets to the promise
    land – there’ll be hell to pay. Buen cuento …
    Abrazos y Carino,
    Isadora 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  • Yeah, we decidedly do not have to like the characters we write. I know there are some I’d written, who I despise. And yet. There they were, telling an aspect of a story that needed telling.
    As in yours.
    Your characters? In today’s world, we’d call them “Karens” or worse. Oy.
    Yes, reading left me angry. As it ought.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Na’ama Y’karah,

      I can think of one character you wrote that I really despised. 😉 But without him the story wouldn’t have made such an impact.

      There are many words for my characters. “Karens” is one of the tamer ones. Thank you.



      Liked by 1 person

      • I hear ya. Yeah, that character … (there are others of various ickiness, of course, in other books, but … yeah … I hear ya. …). And … Karen is pretty tame in comparison, fah-shuah! xoxo


  • Reminds me of the description of our current crisis – we are all in the same storm but we are not all in the same boat. Some of us don’t have a boat at all.
    Your post made me more sad than angry, we humans are not very good at seeing beyond our own troubles to those of others.

    Liked by 1 person

  • Dear Rochelle,

    You set the scene perfectly. I could see those two prissy misses whining over their own personal losses with no regard for anyone else – especially those beneath them. Such horrid people in the world. Perfectly done!

    Shalom and lotsa of real and heartfelt love,


    Liked by 1 person

  • Whereas this post might make one angry as you suggest, the truth is that, at the time, this was the reality. That does not make it right or good, but if we forget the past we are bound to relive it.


  • The story makes you think and reflect.

    I feel that we still have people who think like that. How dare these poor people inconvenience my lifestyle by dying, how terribly inconsiderate of them. It’s happening now in some parts of the world in the current crisis.

    Liked by 1 person

  • It did make me angry at the end. Wow, what a story, Rochelle. At first, I was oh like poor people losing stuff in a flood. I’ve had a basement flood and know that can be frustrating but I was wondering where it was going, if they lost someone they loved. And then the last sentence. Whoa buddy. Very well written and a strong reminder that this isn’t all about me and “my kind of people.” Jabbed me right in the anger strings. I hope I never get to be like that. But I fear if we don’t constantly remind ourselves not to, we can be. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Anne,

      Happy to have jabbed your anger strings. 😉 The infuriating thing is that African Americans weren’t taken care of by the government after the flood. Thank you for your wonderful comments.




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